Needles Unified School District celebrates School Board Recognition Month
January is time to acknowledge the school board and its role in supporting student achievement
By: Dr. Garry Cameron, Needles USD Supt.
The Needles Unified School District is proud to join more than 1,000 local educational agencies in the state in recognizing the contributions of board members during School Board Recognition Month. As schools work to accelerate learning and support student wellness post-pandemic, board members play a key role in setting the foundation, policies and priorities to support optimal student outcomes.
“Board members are our elected representatives and a vital link between the school district and the community,” said Needles USD Supt., Dr. Garry Cameron. “The board sets the foundation and vision for the district, directs resources where they are most needed, and ensures accountability to the community by monitoring progress toward goals. Their end goal, of course, is to support and elevate student achievement.”
During the academic school years, the Needles Unified School District Board of Trustees has worked to provide the students with a solid foundation for academic success. The Board of Trustees have supported the efforts to increase the use of technology, provide nutritional food services for children, efforts to direct resources to students most in need, provide social-emotional support, and sports and academic programs to assist each student to be competitive at every level.
The Needles Unified School board members are Mrs. Christina Cameron-Otero, Mrs. Marilyn Mathews, Mr. Josh Powell, Ms. Sheridan Silversmith, and Ms. Lana Walters.
“I ask that you will join me in saluting our hard-working board members for their support of our students through effective policies and for their continuing advocacy for more resources at the state level,” said Superintendent, Dr. Garry Cameron.